East Garden

The East Garden was created as a backdrop for the wedding reception when our second daughter was married in 2001.  A crooked rail fence provides the backdrop for this garden.  The plants are large in this garden- heliopsis, cimicifuga, persicaria polymorpha, - and several grasses and shrubs form the basis of the East Garden.

Persicaria polymorpha (Giant White Fleece Flower) in the background and Arrhenatherum bulbosum Variegatum (Bulbous Oat Grass) in the foreground Helianthus salicifolius (Willow Leaf Sunflower) and Verbena bonariensis in the late September garden
A view through the garden in early August. Trollius in the early spring garden.
Daylilies, veronicastrum, and phlox in mid-summer. Great blue lobelia, dappled willow (Salix 'Hakuro-nishiki'), giant fleece flower (Persicaria polymorpha) in the August garden.